NEWS from China
COVID 19 (COrona VIrus Disease 2019), an acronym we are all aware of by now, with very serious consequences in the Chinese Republic. Despite all the issues afflicting our colleagues, Danieli Telerobot is supporting them and going ahead relentlessly with the activities regarding the projects they are looking after in China.
According to market forecasts, a decline in GDP will arguably take place. However, the demand for steel is not expected to fall. As a consequence, work does not stop and we must be prepared to face the recovery that will be occurring after this troubled period.
In cooperation with the local branches of the Danieli group (DCS Danieli Changshu), we are holding the meetings with our customers through video conferences, in order to give continuation to our planned design and manufacturing operations for robotic systems.
In particular, we are completing a robot system for the automatic management of all operations carried out on the casting platform for companies of the “Baosteel” group.
First in the world, Telerobot’s solution will be able to handle sampling and manipulation of the “nozzle” without having to modify the existing casting structure.
This system is due to be shipped over the next few weeks, in order for us to be able to install our new machine as soon as the health emergency is over.
Chin up China!
Massimo Ratto
Area Manager China for Danieli Automation & Danieli Telerobot